Monday, October 15, 2007

Music to my ears

I couldn't live without music. Lorie fusses at me sometimes because I just don't feel right if I don't have that music in the background. I just walk into a room and turn on the light, then the radio. If I don't have music on, I have an uncontrollable jukebox in my head, always playing a tune. I sing at church and I love music in all forms so needless to say, music is a big part of my life.

The other day I was waking up and checking on David using the monitor. He is very good and will wake up, pull back the curtain and start playing, waiting for one of us to open the door. Sunday morning I turned up the volume to see if he was awake or asleep and I heard the best thing, he was singing to himself! He knows a song from church "Who made you?" and I clearly heard his version of it. I have been thinking about it ever since. My boy is just like his papa and he loves music.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trent is singing the same song all the time, and his Daddy also can't live without music.