Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Enough already!


I have had it with people who don't even know me wanting to tell me what's best for me and my businesses! There is a bill before the Nashville Metro council that boldly states that if I open a roadside eatery it will be unclean, have rodents and pests and make people sick, so we're not going to let you-EVER! The bill is BL2005-860, and it's hooey, to put it mildly. I have seen some of the info and these stands are hardly any worse than other infamous place, *cough, Toxic Hell, Krystal *cough*.

The second bill is set to be introduced to the state house and senate sometime this year and it has to do with banning smoking in restaurants, and it's "for the children"! Bovine Scat! It's power, plain and simple. What business is it of the state if I choose to allow smoking or ban it from my restaurant. The title of the bill is:
"HB3102/SB2742--Prohibits smoking in restaurants permitting access to or employing persons under age 18." So, just because someone under 18 (ie. a Child) MIGHT be exposed to second-hand smoke, I can't have smoking in my place. You do realize that these tots are being dragged to these restaurants by their parents, right? You realize that these parents smoke everywhere else around them, right? In the house, in the car? But here's the government trying to make a little oasis for these poor children so they can breathe their only clean breaths in a cafe. Bo-scat I say!

Stop telling me what's best for me! I run a cafe that decided it was best to ban smoking a little over a year ago and it really cleaned up the place. But it was OUR choice based on business plans and economics. I hate smoking, my father died from lung cancer and some of my family still smokes. I think it's foolish and you're playing with a loaded gun. But it was my father's choice, my family's choice and I"m tired of the clueless government saying they know better than I do. BS!

Call your rep, email them, get your voice heard.
"I'm mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore!"

*sigh* I feel a little better.
The biggest question I have is this: What right do they have to do this? Spell it out for me. I never said that they could have it all. You there who support this policy need to think on this. What happens when they get a wild hair and mess with something close to you, your wallet, or your kids? Try not to forget that they are there for US. If they don't know you, how can they know what's best for you, or me?

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